Accounting plays a significant role in the success of your business, regardless if your company is small or big. By practicing proper procedures, companies are able to record, classify, and summarize transactions that are useful in their decision-making process. 

Having advantages, which include measuring performance and communicating the right financial information, you can take your business to greater heights.

With an appropriate Accounting system, you can assess your market position which can help you measure your company’s growth. It can motivate you to take timely action to overcome any shortcomings and execute future activities that are beneficial for your company. Moreover, It can also improve your industry performance and expand your business reliability which in turn improves your global reputation.

From tax preparation to financial planning, you need to partner with a reputable and experienced provider that can give you valuable support for your business. With so much to gain, it will be a loss if you don’t include Accounting in your daily operations. EZONE can help you stay on top of your finances and make sound decisions for the future. 


Value Added Tax or VAT is beneficial for entrepreneurs who are starting and running a business in the UAE. It is a form of indirect tax that can be added to different forms of businesses.

With the rate of 5% imposed on specific goods, registered businesses have the opportunity to file for VAT Returns. And accordingly, get back the amount from their transactions or purchases. 

The main purpose of VAT is to eliminate the presence of double taxation and streamline the existing tax structure. And eventually, to prevent retailers and consumers from evading sales taxes. Through this, revenue loss is prevented, and businesses can avail of certain perks that establish credibility in the market.

Several services are also included under the VAT system that is linked to consultancy, registration, audit, disclosure, filing, bookkeeping, de-registration, and much more.  

VAT impacts every part of the transaction, whether you are doing business locally or globally. It is important to understand and incorporate VAT in your business to calculate costs, set margins, mitigate risks, and avoid any penalties. Especially if your company falls within the threshold of compliance.

Take advantage of our VAT services and let EZONE give you the peace of mind that you deserve. 


Economic Substance Regulation, or ESR, is a compliance rule that requires businesses to register as licensees to determine their substantial activities in the UAE. This prevents businesses from shifting from one jurisdiction to another. And, encourages companies to prove that they have sufficient economic activity taking place within the UAE.

By integrating ESR into the corporate compliance system, tax transparency is facilitated, and fair tax competition is incorporated. ESR ensures that industries are legitimate and are not just using UAE as a tax escape. This is to ensure that the businesses add value to the economy and don’t rely on other companies as their financial source.  

Through ESR, the nation’s reputation as a global investment hub is restored. Businesses should take advantage of the incentives and comply with the ESR requirements.The unified laws also help to level the playing field for all businesses at the same threshold regardless of their size or location.

Any failure by the licensee to submit the Notification on time or qualify for the ESR test may result in certain sanctions. The ESR is a complex legislation, but our team of experts at EZONE helps you navigate through its processes and procedures to ensure compliance.


Ultimate Beneficial Ownership, or UBO, is a term used to describe a natural person who owns or controls a company or a legal entity in the country. With the UBO in place, companies are required to identify the beneficial owners of clients, sellers, and other third parties as a form of a business-partner-check policy. 

As a security measure, the UBO check prevents your company to do business with unknown parties that can harm your business and cause you reputational damages. 

UBO allows companies to identify the titleholders and disclose the relevant information to the designated authorities. It also helps beneficial owners resolve disputes among partners, protect the interest of minority shareholders, and ensure that the management incorporates the best interest of the customers and the owners.

Having a clear process with numerous benefits, it is time to comply with the essentials of the UBO and be at par with the ever-changing and growing landscape in the UAE. Save yourself from all the hefty fines and hire our team at EZONE who can help you with the entire UBO process from start to finish. 


The Anti-Money Laundering law or AML law has become a prominent aspect of the international business world. With the AML, financial service providers adhere to stricter rules that push for enforcement checks and stringent monitoring to be part of the global standards. By complying with the AML laws, a secure environment is created for companies where they can operate without the worry of market disruptions.

The AML law not only protects your company against financial crimes but also against suspicious activities which can delay your transactions on a national and international level. If there are any disputes among shareholders, they are resolved in a timely manner with the AML legislation. The key role of the AML law is to support the country’s efforts to fight against bribery and corruption and to provide clarity and transparency during the corporate ownership process.

With all these benefits, it is evident that the AML law in the UAE is of great advantage and supportive of many businesses. Save yourself from all the trouble and let EZONE conduct your due diligence reports with our structured AML process so you can set up and continue running your business with ease in the UAE.


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