Offshore Companies are suitable for those entrepreneurs who wish to operate their business outside their registered jurisdiction or the location of their ultimate ownership. If you’re looking for a way to reduce your tax burden and maximize the confidentiality of your business, an Offshore Company is the way to go.

By establishing your Offshore Company, you will have access to a business-friendly jurisdiction, a solid regulatory framework, and a positive tax regime where you can save your time and money. You will be able to take part in a more flexible governing system where you will have a safe and stable political climate that provides certainty and security for your business.

With an Offshore Company, you can take advantage of the rising economy with plenty of opportunities for growth and expansion. Since Offshore Companies offer a more flexible and easy option with reduced taxation, they provide a great opportunity for business setup in the UAE.

If you’re looking for a world-class destination to set up your Offshore Company, then look no further. With a friendly business environment and plenty of opportunities, UAE is the perfect place for you to establish your Offshore Company. Through EZONE, let our experts establish your Offshore presence and give you a head-start for your business.


A Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) is a legal entity created for a specific purpose. It is often used to pool together financial assets that secure and benefit the shareholders.

SPVs can be used for a number of reasons such as financing large projects or providing funding for research and development. They offer many perks that include flexibility in major shareholding, a robust regulatory framework, and several tax advantages.

By creating an SPV, you can effectively create a “buffer” between your company and any risks associated with the underlying assets. Shareholders are given the freedom to enter new markets and have a clear exit strategy that shields their resources. This can help their companies achieve their corporate objectives and provide them significant protection from any changes in the local laws.

If you are looking for a way to finance a major project or receive tax benefits, an SPV may be the right choice for you. With EZONE, a wide range of SPV services in various jurisdictions and free zones are given to you which will allow your business to thrive globally.


Many companies choose to establish Corporate Foundations for a variety of reasons. A Corporate Foundation ensures the continuity of the company in the event of death or incapacitation of the owner or key personnel. It can also help to protect the company’s assets from creditors in the event of financial difficulties.

By transferring the assets to a trust or Corporate Foundation, there is a stable legal and regulatory framework where an organized structure is put in place for safety. In addition, Corporate Foundations are non-profit organizations that provide tax advantages and an avenue to accept donations as a non-profit organization.

Whether for legal or charitable purposes, a Corporate Foundation shields you from unforeseen circumstances and legal liabilities. Corporate Foundations can also be used for succession planning objectives with private wealth management initiatives.

Corporate Foundations are an excellent way to promote the goals of your business while securing your assets. It offers peace for the present and future generations. With so many benefits, they are surely an attractive option for businesses from all over the world. Trust our team to create integrated solutions for the incorporation of your Corporate Foundation.


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